The Yarbrough National Genealogical & Historical Association (YNGHA) serves as an umbrella organization for the extended Yarbrough and allied families. Our families are primarily located in the United States and the British Isles. There are over a hundred–fifty variant spellings of our name; however we spell our surname, we are all Yarbroughs. The House of Yarborough, one of the oldest in Great Britain, traces its roots back to the mid–ninth century, AD. We've been in the New World since ca 1642, when
Richard ("The Immigrant") Yarborough arrived and settled on the Mattaponi River in the Virginia Colony.

Old Richard and his family prospered, and he is interred at Old Blandford Cemetery in Petersburg, Virginia. Since then, the family has spread across the southeastern and southwestern states and the far west, with others scattered across the rest of the country.
The YNGHA returns to Petersburg every ten years to pay homage to our ancestor.
We are a not-for-profit organization, created when a group of dedicated family members came together to correct the grave marker of the family's oldest known ancestor. We are the keepers of the heritage and history of our extended families, and this site is configured to share as much as possible with our family members.
More About the YNGHA
While there is little doubt that our roots are from one of the oldest houses of Old England, we in America are yeomanry through and through. We are farmers, craftsmen, merchants, doctors, teachers, clergy, performing artists, civil servants, warriors, and more. Without us and our kind, life as we know it would be considerably different. We believe in our Maker, our family, our country, and ourselves. We do not accept charity from the state; rather, we give to others as much as we can. We do not whine and complain about our lot; we do what we can as best we can. We believe in leaving each place better than when we arrived. Above all, we respect others and welcome them into our lives. We have a strong sense of duty, civic pride, and a firm belief in justice. All in all, we are a good family, and each of us make it so.
Since digitizing our collection of family records, we have provided a copy of these records to selected libraries in states with a large number of Yarbrough and allied families.
If you are a Yarbrough, however you spell your surname, or are a member of an allied family, we invite you to join our association. Dues are only $15.00/year, and they are used to cover the cost of our website and of publishing the Yarbrough Family Quarterly, as well as helping with various projects that the association undertakes.
We also solicit family stories and clippings concerning family activities. These might appear to be trivial, but they can help someone else in his/her search for ancestral data. So, send us your story. Don't worry about the grammar and syntax; just send it to the and we will do the rest.
Besides information about the extended Yarbrough and allied families, we have tips for family researchers, as well as information about DNA testing.
If you have or know of a local Yarbrough family reunion or if you are a member of a local historical society, the YNGHA would be pleased to provide a speaker for the occasion. Just contact the .We will also gladly post announcements about family reunions, as well as suggested site links. Please send to the . No ads, please.